It can be difficult to figure out exactly how to go about creating an effective About Us page, and there are few clear-cut requirements. Obviously, information about where the business is located and how people can contact you is necessary, but not enough. Some careful planning and creativity can really help your page draw in visitors and build your business. That’s why we created the definitive About Us page checklist as a good place to start. The “About Us” page is often the hardest to write. While other pages present a specific product or offer, “About” pages can carry far more weight. You want to communicate the essence of your brand, emphasize your values, and project professionalism and trustworthiness all in just a few paragraphs.

1. Not about Vanity

Avoid bragging or listing accomplishments like a resume. The primary goal of your “About Us” page is to connect with your audience. An important thing to remember is that your About Us page is not actually about you. Ultimately, it’s about the visitors to your site and how you can appeal to them. Make it benefit driven. Acknowledge difficulties they may be facing, objectives they want to achieve–then highlight the ways you can help them with those issues.

2. Break the Mold

Most pages follow the same, stuffy biography-like format. Instead, step out and try something a little unconventional. Better yet, craft your page around something only your brand can do.

3. Your Company’s Culture

Don’t talk about your company culture. Show it in your web copy, page layout, colors, and images. Trying to communicate a fun culture? The people in your photos better be smiling. Marketing to business professionals? Then you’ll most likely be sporting business attire.

4. Be Modern

Apply web design best practices and new user experience trends. Sidebars? They’re on their way out. Mobile-optimized sites? They’re a must. Make sure your About Us page looks just as good on mobile devices as it does on computers. More and more people are doing their browsing and information gathering on smartphones or tablets, and your site must be easy for all users to navigate. Create links, videos, and call-to-action buttons that are attention-grabbing and accessible on all types of devices. A word of caution–be careful not to overdo it with too many graphics in a small space. That can overwhelm visitors and put them off.

5. Have Fun with It

Don’t get too caught up in trying to make a “perfect” page. Your “About Us” page is telling a story to your friends. The more excited you are to share your story, the more likely you are to give off an infectious energy that pulls your audience in.

6. Do the Unexpected

Surprise your audience with something different. An interactive timeline, surprising facts about your business, or uniquely-placed images can all provide your page with little more “oomph.”

7. Our Mission, Our Vibe, Our Essence

Tell a story and help your audience understand the “why” behind your business. Your purpose can make consumers want to support you. But a business with no unique purpose is easy to pass over. Visitors go the About Us or Company Profile page to see if your values align with theirs and that you can solve their problem or needs.

8. Make it Memorable

Have a test audience look at your “About” page. Are there one or more components that stand out? If not, make some edits until you find something that makes a visit to the page memorable. Make your page stand out from your competition by including customized media, carefully crafted design features, or other visual effects that will catch and hold the attention of visitors. This can include photos, videos, infographics, or a timeline of the company’s history. Quite a bit of information can be shared this way without losing the reader’s attention.
For additional guidance on crafting a killer “About Us” page for your company, reach out to one of our experts at Evans Alliance.