More than 3.1 billion active users in the US spend 142 minutes on social media every day. Those numbers represent immense opportunities for reaching your customers. Just think about the 59% of people who access social media every day.
Consider that internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking and the average adult spends 38 minutes per day on Facebook and most of us check our social media 5+ times every day. No other channel can consistently offer comparable engagement potential for your business, your brand, your message…. than your social media campaigns. Now, let’s make sure you get it right!
No matter how hard you’ve tried to do it right, you could be missing the mark with your social media campaigns. Those missteps can be embarrassing and damaging to your business and your message. At Evans Alliance, we’ve put together a few tips that should help you improve the social media conversion rate.
Here are the top 4 tips.
1st- It’s About our Brand!
Your social media campaigns need to reflect your company’s branding and messaging, as part of your Social Media Optimization (SMO). They should also be attractive and compelling.

• Create and launch assets that are professional.
• Make sure they are designed to resonate with your audience and target your customer’s needs.
That’s a tall order for any organization, so it might feel a bit daunting. The good news is that we offer best-in-class branding graphic design, video, and optimization services to make your Social Media voice compelling… and to take some of the grunt work and guesswork out of your social media campaigns.
2nd- Is it Personal? …What’s Your Voice?
Your social media campaign is the opportunity to speak and engage directly to your customers. It’s a competitive edge that most of your competitors probably aren’t even taking advantage of yet. So, how effectively are you using that opportunity? Ask yourself these questions for the best SMO.

• How well are you addressing the questions and interests of your customers?
• Are you asking for feedback and listening to what your customers are saying?
• Is your voice connecting and resonating with your audience?
• How can you make your social media campaigns even more personally relevant for your customers? We offer consulting and resources to help you build social media campaigns that will match up with your marketing strategy and plan.
3rd- Be Responsive – Are You Prepared?
At the end of the day, you can have the perfect messaging and beautiful imagery. It could be compelling and insightful, and your customers could love you for it. You still should make sure that you are ready for engagement and response. That means you must answer their questions, concerns, purchasing difficulties, etc. Here’s what you need for truly responsive Social Media Optimization or SMO.

• Develop a social media policy that works for you and your team, but also considers your company’s brand and messaging.
• Create a crisis management plan. What will you do if something should go wrong? How will you respond? How will you handle a complaint of bad review?
• Make it personal. You’re speaking directly to your customer. That message should never be rude, confusing, or negative. This is your opportunity to celebrate the successes of your company (and customers) and make it right if something was not up to your company’s high standards.
4th- What about Analytics?
Do you know what the numbers mean? Are you tracking your social media distribution channel? Are you gauging the response and return-on-investment to achieve the level of SMO that you need?

• Social media campaigns represent an important opportunity for you to grow your business. Social engagement can teach you more about your customers, elevate your visibility to your ideal audience and dramatically improve your website traffic along with conversion rate.
• Tracking the impact of your social media engagement will provide enormous insight. The inbound traffic is great, but you also need to know how to optimize and convert it into business growth and development. Our technology and analytic stack will help you reveal the value of your social media outreach and how to leverage this influence.
We work with you to understand and optimize your site and social media campaigns. Our goal is to help you get the engagement and improve your website conversion rate.
Social media offers huge opportunities for company growth and development, but it’s not always easy. On the challenging days, it might seem easier to just shut it all down and forget about it. Instead of throwing in the towel, turn to us.
What’s the Next Step?
At Evans Alliance, we’ve been around the block a time or two. We have the experience and hands-on knowledge you need. We also understand what you’re going through. It’s our goal to help you develop strategies that will smooth out the rough spots, put the appropriate tools in place, and then track your results. We help you to gain the momentum you need to move forward. Remember, Evans Alliance is here to help you implement your successful Social Media Campaign Strategy today.
Call 973-250-4040 to Schedule Your Consultation – Learn More About Our Strategic Approach.